Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Digital technologies in Mangalore University

Establishment of Digital technologies in Mangalore University, Konaje

Mon,5 November: Mangalore University has a fully interactive web portal, CCTV enabled and wifi driven campus.

Cartoon by Dan Rosandich

Mangalore University established in 1980 due to the increase in demand for a local university.The university has 25 PG departments, 208 affiliated colleges/institutions that include 2 constituent, 4 law, 18 education and 5 autonomous colleges.It is the first college in country to set up bachelor's degree programmes in Hotel Management & Tourism, Fashion Design, Apparel/Garment Design, Leather Design & Technology, and Human Resource Development and post-graduate programmes in Computer Software and Yogic Sciences.

Website: https://mangaloreuniversity.ac.in/

Their website was set up in the year 2016 by Ventures Pvt Ltd. Q Ventures Pvt Ltd is a company launched in early 2016. The website has following features including:”
  • Comprehensive Sub Portals for each & every Dept. of Mangalore University
  • An Online  Student admissions & Grievance management system
  • A compact Stakeholder Management CRM with a University intranet & email facility
  • A Video conferencing facility for the University top management   
  • Colorful & brilliant touch screen Information Kiosks  spread across the University
  • Bright & brilliant Digital Display Signage across the University”- Q Ventures Pvt LTD.
Each department has sub portals with elaborate information on respective department, its mission and faculty. Students admission can be done online.Fees can be paid online.
Evaluation is also done online which has been developed by company known as ATRIS.Exam results can be checked online.

Video conferencing facility has been setup which enables professors to communicate with registrars or council of higher education or anybody. Projectors are set up. There are kiosks in corridors which provide information regarding courses, admission etc.

Mangalore University has fully equipped laboratory for it's students. Labs such as CARER - Centre for advanced research in Environmental radioactivity and Microtron Center are also equipped with computers. They also have 2 computer labs which have connection to the internet. Even the library is well equipped with computers for browsing catalogues.

The whole campus is surveillanced by CCTV cameras for security of the students. Students can connect to WiFi provided by the university for better connectivity. WiFi has firewall enabled which prevents connection to malicious and adult sites. If done so it will alert the IT department and the person trying connect to such sites would be disavailed from WiFi service. Mangalore University also has one ATM in their campus.

Orientation Programmes are held for students of all streams on digital technology for about a period of two weeks. This ensures that they are digitally aware of the technologies available to them. Dr. B.H Shekar, head of Computer Science department said ,
“ In future we are planning to start courses on Cyber security. Department of Science and Technology (DST) in collaboration with IBM are planning to bring out courses on developing digital skills. Students should be aware of pros and cons of digital technology, So it necessary that they develop their skills in it. They should have basic knowledge on prevention of cyber theft, identity theft and privacy.”